The Economic Effects and Policy Recommendations For The Future of Cryptocurrencies

Keywords: Cryptocurrency, Digital Cash, Bitcoin, Monetary Policy


Cryptocurrencies are a specific type of virtual currency based on the principles of cryptography and electronic communication. However, today it has ceased to be a virtual value and has become one of the hottest agenda topics in financial markets. The importance of cryptocurrencies is increasing day by day with their unique technological innovation and potential. The increasing importance of cryptocurrencies also makes them an interesting research area. The main focus of the study is to provide a conceptual perspective on cryptocurrencies, to determine their economic effects and to present a perspective on the future of the system. In this context, it is aimed to make policy recommendations to address the concerns of policy makers regarding the future of cryptocurrencies. The main view in the policy proposals developed by examining the advantages and disadvantages of cryptocurrencies; It is stated that the crypto money system, which is an extremely important technological innovation, should be brought into operation and positive opinions should increase in the acceptance of these currencies as a means of payment by governments.


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How to Cite
Macit, D. (2022). The Economic Effects and Policy Recommendations For The Future of Cryptocurrencies. Journal of Applied And Theoretical Social Sciences, 4(1), 19-38.