Industry 4.0 And Flexible Business Interaction In Entrepreneurship Activities: Ballipinar Farm

Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Flexible Business, Industry 4.0.


The most important characteristics of the successful attempts adapt to their environment are; in practice, it is possible to say that they prefer flexible business understanding. It is also possible to state that enterprises can maintain their existence for a long time in economic life. Flexibility is seen as a key to miracle, as a detail that strengthens the position of enterprises, makes it strong among its competitors, and contributes to its development and growth through innovation. In this context, the pros and cons of the flexible business model interaction with the 4th Industrial Revolution called Industry 4.0 comes into question.

The aim of the study is to raise awareness on the subject by evaluating the results of the interaction of Industry 4.0 with the flexible business model, which provides an important advantage for entrepreneurs' initiatives. In this context, a qualitative study was conducted and the views of esnek Ballıpınar Farm olan which is a flexible initiative on the perspective of Industry 4.0 were examined. As a result, entrepreneurs; their initiatives to adapt to emerging industrial revolutions and developing environmental conditions; It is seen that it is possible to reach the opinion that flexible business applications in their structuring can be effective.


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How to Cite
Tekin, M., Soba, M., & Ilter, B. (2020). Industry 4.0 And Flexible Business Interaction In Entrepreneurship Activities: Ballipinar Farm. Journal of Applied And Theoretical Social Sciences, 2(1), 1-14.